This is a simplified guide to creating a Player Character (PC) in the game system Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) for our campaign Giftworlds. Just follow these pages and fill in stuff on your character sheet as you go, asking for clarification as needed.

  1. 🖊️PC Creation - Concept
  2. 🐾PC Creation - Ancestry
  3. ⛓️PC Creation - Hindrances
  4. 🎲PC Creation - Traits
  5. 🛡️PC Creation - Derived Statistics
  6. 🪄PC Creation - Edges
  7. 🏹PC Creation - Gear
  8. 🧄PC Creation - Flavor

Some of this information is from the rulebooks, and some of it is reworded or created by me. There’s bound to some repetition in there. Feel free to ask if there’s any confusion! I’m here for you. At the same time, try not to focus on understanding every single mechanic (don’t worry about what Bennies are so much, Kevin) - you can learn all the mechanics as we go! ❤️

If you want to read directly from the SWADE rulebook, or want to peruse the Powers chapter in particular, please find it here. You may also be interested in the Fantasy Companion, which includes some additional options we may make use of. This can be found at the same linked page section.