Elves are tall, thin people with pointed ears and deep-set eyes of various colors. Whether they hail from the tall forests or hidden valleys, they are all born more graceful than Humans, though somewhat slighter. Most elves live upwards of 300 years. They have soft, flawless skin and their hair includes all Human colors, plus shades of silver, blue, and gold.

The graceful and noble disposition of Elves has suited them well in the political realm of Integrated Society, and their long lifespans have likewise led to many successful careers within academia. The arts have long been dominated by Elven contributors, especially acting. The conventionally attractive qualities of Elves have also resulted in their abundance within Sex work spaces.

Elves are present in most Giftworlds, including:

SWADE Mechanics:

  • AGILE: Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12+1.
  • ALL THUMBS: Elves have an inherent dislike of mechanical objects, and thus have the All Thumbs Hindrance. They shun most mechanical items and designs.
  • LOW LIGHT VISION: Elven eyes amplify light. Other races often claim they can see stars in the elves’ eyes. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.