This campaign will be organized in a way where I set a date for the session and whoever can make it to the session is welcome to join. If you are interested but miss some of the sessions, your character will still exist the same way when you get back, and you can get caught up on what happened while you were gone. But players who can attend more consistently will probably have more developed characters, due to more mission payouts and opportunities to roleplay. I think that this semi-open table style will help us to keep the game going for as long as people are interested and available, instead of being bogged down by scheduling and communication issues.
If you can’t attend Session Zero, same rule applies: you can still join the table at a later session. :) You can also attend Session Zero and decide that it’s not for you and not attend future sessions, no pressure!
You can make and play as any “legal” character that you want as long as they can fit into the narrative. If you want to keep on making new PCs, you can, but you will accumulate a lot of unleveled/weaker characters with no narrative advancement for them, so that’s up to you. As more Lore is explored, I will make new options available to the players to utilize for new character creations, to symbolize an overarching progression of the campaign world, even if the party is replaced over time in an Ship of Theseus type of way.