The Goblin Clan is a social organization of Goblins and Hobgoblins in Toosehn, currently led by Queen Claag.
Notable members: Queen Claag Prince Herb Yhipp, Yhapp, and Yhupp
They were introduced in Mission G - Completed!.
Goblins have traditionally led the Clan, with Hobgoblins belonging to a caste of larger, stronger, and more mystic warrior-shamans.
They traditionally follow a nomadic cycle of moving from place to place, mostly South of Lake Arcania.
They erect elaborate yurts and other temporary structures that create what looks like a permanent city but can actually be uprooted in only a few days.
They have endured periods of clashing and trading with the Hinterlanders.
They use donkeys as steeds, riding bareback.
They highly value aesthetic style. Warriors use broad sheets of beads wrapped around their torsos as armor.