Half-Elves have both Human and Elven Ancestry.

Half-Elves gain the Elves’ grace but none of their elegant frailty. Most are well-adjusted, fitting the standard expectations of Integrated Society. Their lifespans typically reach to about a hundred years.

Half-Elves are present in most Giftworlds, including:

SWADE Mechanics:

  • HERITAGE: Half-Elves may retain the grace of their Elven Ancestry or the adaptability of their Human Ancestry. Your Half-Elf may either start with a free Novice Edge of their choice or a d6 in Agility instead of a d4, increasing their maximum Agility to d12+1.
  • LOW LIGHT VISION: Half-Elven eyes sparkle a bit brighter. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
  • ACCELERATED EDUCATION: Half-Elves often receive rushed schooling, due to the Elven perception that their lifespans have been drastically reduced. Your Half-Elf suffers a -1 penalty to Common Knowledge Skill checks.