Session Three took place on August 11, 2024. Its story was set in the world of Toosehn after the events of Session Two.

Session Three Kickoff Sideplot

The following is a record of the events during Session Three.

Bizzle was hard at work doing research.

Toshmo left to do some independent exploring in Genumn.

It’s been a few days since the One Hundred and One Throngdors solved the mystery at Shroomy Snacks. Since then, the party members have engaged in some downtime activities:

  • Drogath went suit shopping with Jolrath at Smithworthy’s Exquisite Tailoring Enterprises. He feels incredibly confident looking in the mirror, and becomes giddy with pride. They plan to meet up at a cafe sometime in the next couple weeks.
  • Doodledip makes a visit to the Gnometown Panera Bread location for lunch. Despite the annoyance of the cashier, he successfully gets his “usual order” which is a green goddess sandwich and bear claw, and stashes it for later using elemental manipulation to keep it cool.
  • Korarath heads to the Library. She’s mastered Goliath calculus by now, but wants to get started on Orc calculus. The librarian, Miss Fiddleflock, helps her check out a book by the famed mathematician Shredder. Korarath heads over to her favorite comfy spot to start reading when she notices that it’s currently occupied by Pograth, Korarath’s rival from school. She creates a magical chill in the area to make Pograth uncomfortable in the hopes that she’ll get up and leave, but only succeeds in getting herself noticed.
    • Pograth rolls her eyes and says “Hi Korarath, how are you?”
    • “Oh hi Pograth… haven’t seen you since, I graduated!”
    • “Yeah…”
    • “What are you doing in town?”
    • “Oh I have an internship here with the Lake Arcania Mathematician Society.”
    • “Oh that’s, that’s really cool…”
    • “Yeah, so I’m just brushing up on the calculus again.”
    • “Yeah… I’m learning Orc calculus, actually…”
    • Pograth’s face flushes a bit with jealousy. “That’s cool. That’s cool that you’re diversifying your specialties. You were always really good at Goliath calculus, so… Happy for you.”
    • “Thanks. You’re kind of in my seat.”
    • “Oh. I didn’t realize.”
    • “Yeah, that butt imprint’s mine.”
    • “Oh, okay. I’ll see you around.” Pograth gets up and walks away.
    • Korarath sits down, feeling on top of the world. She finally stood up to Pograth. She starts in on the new book, but can hardly focus on it because she keeps on replaying the conversation over and over in her head, muttering to herself.
    • Miss Fiddleflock watches Korarath from afar with a bit of concern, just hoping the best for her.
  • Urrakka visits The Moat, looking for someone to sharpen her warhammer beak or to sell her tobacco products.
    • She sits down at Giordano’s sharpening stand and inquires about the specials.
    • He offers her a complimentary cigar while she waits.
    • “Can I get a discount because my parents died here before I was born? Wait no, when I was very young. Shit I messed up the story.”
    • He gives a nervous little chuckle. “Haha, yeah… So how do you like that cigar? Pretty good, right?”
    • “I’ve had better.”
    • “Oh, okay… That’s too bad. Where do you get yours?”
    • “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
    • “Cool.”
    • The rest of the appointment is in silence.
    • As Urrakka waits for her warhammer to be sharpened, she notices someone run past with a hood covering their face, and hears someone cry out, “Stop, thief!”
    • Urrakka immediately jumps up, giving her cigar to some kid, and chases after the person. She successfully catches them, picks them up, and slams them to the ground. A crack can be heard, and they start gasping in pain. A small pouch of gold drops out of their hand. They try to get to their feet and lumber away, seeing the prize as no longer worth the risk. They cough and spit up some blood.
    • Urrakka hadn’t tried to incapacitate the thief to this level. She awkwardly asks the crowd in the vicinity whose gold it is, and sees someone that she thinks might be the owner, but they are staring at Urrakka silently, intimidated. She tosses it in the air, catches it, puts it in her pocket, and walks away silently.
    • She returns to Giordano, who saw everything but says nothing. She takes back her cigar from the kid, but it’s a bit wet, so she puts it out on his clothes and walks away.

The party heads in to Chadwyke’s office for their third mission.

  • Doodledip says he feels good about the work that they’ve done and how they have improved their community so far.

  • Drogath says they feel glorious and fixes their collar to draw attention to their new suit. Chadwyke compliments it and Drogath beams.

  • Chadwyke then pulls out a birthday cake and leads the party in song to celebrate Korarath’s birthday! He warns them to be ready, because he has all of their birthdays on file.

  • Chadwyke shows them the possible missions for today. He also warns the party that while missions might increase in pay if neglected, they may also be picked up by a different Guild Chapter and become unavailable for the One Hundred and One Throngdors.

  • Mission G is selected and completed! See the link for details about how it went.

  • Mission K

  • Mission F - possible contract

After the mission, there is a debrief with Chadwyke:

  • He believes that despite what they did not technically being illegal, there will probably be some fallout with the powerful Bollister Family.
  • He says that they technically solved the issue regardless so he will run some interference with the higher ups in the One Hundred and One Throngdors’s defense.

Everyone is encouraged to visit the Leveling Up page and improve their PCs to 3 Advances.

Goblin and Hobgoblin Ancestries are now available for Character Creation.