Session Zero of my new campaign “Giftworlds” will take place on Saturday, August 12th, at Cheesequake Factory (the Kev/Mel/Brooke/Noah residence)

This session will consist of introducing the concept and overarching setting of the campaign. There will be a Collaborative Worldbuilding game to write some basic lore together. This will probably take a couple hours. Afterwards, the game system of the campaign will be introduced. (It may be DND 5E or another system, I’m leaning towards trying a more beginner-friendly and flexible Powered by the Apocalypse system, but we’ll see.) We may have time after to meet one on one and work on your character ideas, but please do not feel pressured to have anything ready at all before showing up, that’s what this session is for.

This campaign will be organized in a way where I set a date for the session and whoever can make it to the session is welcome to join. If you are interested but miss some of the sessions, your character will still exist the same way when you get back, and you will be able to see a short summary of what happened while you were gone. But players who can attend more consistently will probably have more developed characters, due to more time leveling up. I think that this Semi-Open Table Philosophy will help us to keep the game going for as long as people are interested and available, instead of being bogged down by scheduling and communication issues.

If you’re not interested in a campaign setting, I’m sure that we’ll still host one-shot adventures and things like that, and I know that other people in this group want to take the role of game master and start their own campaigns/adventures as well, I’m definitely not going to monopolize it, so please feel no pressure.

If you can’t attend Session Zero, same rule applies: you can still join the table at a later session. :) You can also attend Session Zero and decide that it’s not for you and not attend future sessions, no pressure!