These years were preceded by Toosehn Year One and followed by Toosehn Year Twenty.
- Lake Arcania rapidly grew in population, partly due to its residents’ enhanced Fertility and more so due to its rising status as the economic, militaristic, and industrial powerhouse of Toosehn, leading to much immigration from the surrounding areas.
- Various Quarters of the city have emerged, and its borders have greatly expanded.
- The Guild was established, along with its first Chapters and Guildhall.
- The Lake Arcania Fortifications have been expanded.
- The Forgotten Meadows fields were revitalized and extensively farmed to support the growing populace of Lake Arcania.
- The Lake Dock was rebuilt and expanded.
- Lumber farms have been prosperous with the use of Termite poison.
- The rules of Bloodsport were developed and the game’s popularity skyrocketed.
- Curaspore reigns as the preeminent medical and recreational dispensary.
- Centaurs from the Western Steppes of Toosehn have secured livelihoods in the rural outskirts of Lake Arcania as well as selling their Traditional Baked Goods.
- The Social Organization of Lake Arcania persists as follows:
- The Commoners, consisting of the Founder Families, Guildsfolk, and Townsfolk, live, work, and die within Toosehn. Their quality of life varies greatly. They are governed directly by the Council, which is a partially democratic representative body.
- The Keepers of Celestian’s Gift direct collection of resources to be sent through the Giftgate to the Wanderers in Rokksher. They are above the jurisdiction of the Council, are the only people allowed to use Celestian’s Gift and its Giftgates, and are rarely seen outside of the Cloister.
- As Lake Arcania’s power and reach have grown, its statesmen have devised a vision of grand regional union in Toosehn under one polity, named simply Arcania.
- The Diplomatic Affairs of Arcania have evolved as follows:
- While the seats of power rest entirely within Lake Arcania and its echelons of influence, the Dunetrekkers are formally recognized as an equal political entity within the diplomatic union of Arcania and Lake Arcania residents are officially barred from inhabiting or developing the Dunetrekkers’ traditional homelands in the Dunes. Tribute is collected yearly by the Keepers at the Embassy.
- The Mountain People of the Giantlands are considered to be an autonomous protectorate of Arcania, and have largely maintained their cultural and economic independence. Tribute is collected yearly by the Keepers at the Embassy.
- Diplomatic contact was established with Ceniphor, an ancient kingdom far to the Northwest, past the Backmarshes and on the downstream banks of the Siltstream River.
- Some frontier-minded Lake Arcania residents immigrated to the Southwest and founded Meadowcrest.
- Further South, encounters with hostile Hinterlanders have been reported.
- Some travelers from the East claim that they hail from a merchant republic known as Genumn, but official investigation from Arcania has yet to be carried out.
- Various peasant and homesteading communities in the area have been contacted, with varying degrees of success in eliciting tribute or recognition of Arcanian authority.
- The Touched remain a looming threat, their numbers abating for now due to the Walls surrounding the lakeshore. Lake Arcania leaders do not engage in any communication with The Touched, considering them murderous pirates at best and mindless abominations at worst.