Start with a general idea of how you want to play. Write down anything that comes to mind! You don’t have to stick with it, and it’s okay if you’re not inspired just yet: something will naturally develop throughout the next steps.
💡 Is there a character archetype in your mind? A way of roleplaying that you want to try out? A career, background, or personality type that draws your interest?
Remember, there are many characters in this world. What makes your Player Characters different is that they are active adventurers. As a general rule of thumb, any character with a motivation to seek excitement or wealth would be a good fit. What is the drive that encourages them to live this life, regardless of the inherent dangers? Relatedly, while it can be tempting to create a “loner” character, keep in mind that almost everyone has bonds to other people. Your character doesn’t have to be friends with everyone in their backstory, but they should want to work well with their adventuring party! ⚔️
If you have too many ideas, don’t sweat it! You can make and play as any “legal” character that you want as long as they can fit into the narrative. If you want to keep on making new characters, you can, but you will accumulate a lot of unleveled/weaker characters with no narrative advancement for them, so that’s up to you. As more lore is explored, I will make new options available to the players to utilize for new character creations, to symbolize an overarching progression of the campaign world, even if the party is replaced over time in an Ship of Theseus type of way.
So what do you want to do? 🤔
It’s fun to all get excited about making characters together! It’s also sometimes even more fun to be tight-lipped about your character until things are revealed about them throughout the natural course of playing, starting with Session One. How much you share with your fellow players is up to you!