SWADE allows for a lot of flexibility when describing how Magic works and what it looks like. If your character uses Magic, I encourage you to put some thought into these aspects - make it really your own!
In Toosehn and in many of the Giftworlds, Magic follows these central archetypes:
Divine Magic
- Divine Magic is difficult to access, due to the extravagant series of Giftworld gates that Toosehn is buried within. Gods are not completely removed from our reality, but they are certainly fainter than the average fantasy scenario.
Weird Science
- Weird Science is a mix of alchemy, Machining, and glyphs.
- It is largely unique to each practitioner, with strategies developed from a combination of study, ingenuity, and trial and error.
- Weird Science practitioners can craft items that retain and operate through magic as long as they are not tampered with.
Other Magics
- The Lake Arcania area is tainted by Mysterious Magic.