Half-Folk are small, nimble people with fuzzy hair. Though they are frail compared to most other Ancestries, their cheerful optimism (or wily cunning) gives them a fearsome attitude that makes them more than a match for creatures twice their size. Half-Folk see no reason to invite trouble and tend to live in humble, close-knit communities.
“Half-Folk” is an exonym. They refer to themselves as just “Folk” and to Humans as “Double-Folk,” and to other peoples as “Elf-Folk,” “Dwarf-Folk,” and so on. While the other “Half” Ancestries refer to a presence of Human blood, Half-Folk are so genetically similar to Humans that their offspring generally will choose to identify as one or the other instead of a mix, the deciding factor being whether they prefer to live out their lives within the insular Half-Folk stomping grounds or blended into Integrated Society.
Young Half-Folk are born without pointed ears and resemble Humans in most ways. As they hit puberty, their ears grow pointed and their growth becomes stunted.
Half-Folk are present in most Giftworlds, including:
SWADE Mechanics:
- LUCKY: Half-Folk draw one additional Token per game session.
- SPIRITED: Half-Folk are generally optimistic beings. They start with a d6 in Spirit instead of a d4. This increases maximum Spirit to d12+1.
- REDUCED PACE: Decrease your Half-Folk character’s Pace by 1 and running die by one die type.
- SIZE -1: Half-Folk are short, with adults rarely growing much taller than 4 feet. Their Size and Toughness are reduced by 1.