Session One took place on May 19, 2024. Its story was set in the world named Toosehn, created during Session Zero, after a time skip.

Session One Kickoff Sideplot

The following is a record of the events during Session One.

It’s a balmy Spring day in Toosehn Year Twenty. Each of you have just arrived at the Guildhall for your onboarding as new Guildsfolk. You wait for a minute in the lobby and then are ushered into a somewhat cramped office towards the back of the Guildhall complex, where an office door opens.

Chadwyke introduces himself to the PCs and the meeting happens as follows:

  • Hello, hello, welcome, sit down. it’s very nice to meet you… I’m Chadwyke. your appointment today is with me. first off, I’m just required to read this introductory script, let’s see, ah! here…

  • Here in Arcania, we rely on the Keepers of Celestian’s Gift to maintain our traditions and uphold the structure of society. It’s a very important job. Now, the Keepers, they can’t do it all on their own. And that’s why they contract Commoners, like me and you, to accomplish tasks throughout the Settlelands of Toosehn. Okay, so, as we all know, this is called the Guild, and where we are right now is the Guildhall, where it all happens. Each group of Guildsfolk who work together here to accomplish tasks is called a Guild Chapter. And each of these Chapters needs a secretary to make sure everything is administrated smoothly. That’s me! I am the secretary of a new Guild Chapter that we are setting up here. And you, I believe, are the applicants, so, uh,,,,, is Bizzle there? Yes? Ah, perfect, if you could just fill out your nametag… anddd DoodledipDrogathKorarathToshmo… and, last alphabetically but certainly not least! I’m assuming that you are Urrakka! Perfect!

  • Now, as we all know, the Vicennial is coming up! Twenty years in Toosehn! How exciting! now, the Guild, as part of the Vicennial is of course looking to improve ourselves and we are attempting to create quite a few new Chapters to ensure that we meet our goals for the next decade in Toosehn. Now, many, many people have applied, I’m sure that you have a sense that being Guildsfolk is a bit of a sought-after career path, somewhat prestigious, can lead to some big moola, right? Well, you should be proud of yourselves, because you have all passed the requirements of the application process, and here you are! This is the first meeting of our new Guild Chapter!

  • Um, now, this is a bit awkward. seems embarrassed If you look around the room, you may notice that none of you are, or, um, well, let’s instead say that all of you bring some much needed diversity to the Guild! It’s very important, I know, to the higher-ups, because of, well, let’s say “some tension between certain groups of people and the Guildsfolk that they interact with” - So now we have a new directive with funding for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and well, my new Guild Chapter was appointed as kind of a, a, team of rockstars to champion those principals. So. They put you all together in one, separate, team. All of the diverse applicants, together. By themselves. It’s, uh, it’s something. but, still, please, don’t let this undermine your accomplishments. you’ve been selected as Guildsfolk! It’s a great day. okay. Let’s move onto some more introductions, enough of all that. Let’s go around in a circle, starting on my left. Please tell us all your name again and a fun fact about you, and if you recognize any faces around you, please feel free to catch us up on how you already may be familiar with each other!

  • Korarath SkyWatcher Kulumiano introduces herself. She attended school with Drogath. It’s her first time out of the Giantlands and she’s ready to explore. She is six and a half feet tall, with blue skin and horns. Very slender and nerdy looking Goliath.

  • Urrakka Andrgotje introduces herself. Both of her parents are dead. She is 5 foot 5 inches with pale blue-green skin and goggles. Small for a Half-Orc.

  • Doodledip introduces himself. He’s been looking for a change of pace in his life. He is very short at 3 foot. Wearing all black leather armor, this Gnome always has a dumb grin on his face with a proportionally long black bushy beard.

  • Bizzle Thibsquak introduces himself. He’s the famed Gnomish inventor of Bizzle’s Fizzles and Grizzles renown. 3 foot 1 inch. Very round, almost the proportions of a pumpkin. Very thick goggles over beady little eyes. Wearing alchemist garb, mystical sciencey vibe.

  • Drogath Anakalathai-Johnson introduces himself. His dads were the The Gay Lovers. About 6 feet tall. Lanky Goliath teenager but strong and looks like he’d do well in a fight. Wearing a black leather jacket and a hair bun.

  • Toshmo Eshmagar the Half-Orc introduces himself. He has been working at the Smithy for the past couple years. His dad works at the Library School and gave Birth to him. 6 feet 4 inches tall, bluish-green light skinned and very bulky. Wearing leather clothing.

  • Now, just one icebreaker. I know they’re cheesy, I’m sorry, but I think it’ll be fun! Right! Okay, so: if you were going to be stranded on a desert island, what is one object that you would want to take with you? For me, personally, I simply cannot live without my detective novels. So I would take my collection so I could pass the time reading on the island. How about you guys? let’s go around the opposite way this time, starting on my right.

  • Toshmo would bring some textbooks from his classes so he would have the knowledge to survive on the island.

  • Drogath would bring his Cannon Camera.

  • Bizzle would bring his goggles because he’s blind as a bat.

  • Doodledip would bring his deck of cards to swindle others on the island.

  • Urrakka would bring her amulet of Celestian from her deceased mothers.

  • Korarath would bring her fantasy novels.

  • Chadwyke explains, after being questioned by Drogath, that he was previously an adventurer in a Guild Chapter. He decided to retire and pursue less risky work, which is how he ended up being a secretary. So he has some relevant experience to lend the new group. He also explains, that while Half-Folk like himself are maybe more of a common sight, he hopes that all of the Ancestries of Lake Arcania can come closer together and there will be less political tension.

  • This is turning out to be a very good group. I think we’re going to get along very well.

  • I hope that everyone received in their appointment invitation for today the uh, the request to mark off the rest of your schedules for the week. Well, we’re not only going to be doing icebreakers! We’re going to get you set up for your very first mission! Woo! Very exciting! I’m on the edge of my seat. Now…

    • The Guild will pay each of you 2 Coin if the Mission is completed.
    • You have maximum 1 week to complete it or you don’t receive payment.
    • Rail System passes are handed out to the party.
  • Here are a few different possible Missions to choose from in this binder…

  • Mission G is not selected

  • Mission K is not selected

  • Mission J is selected and completed! See the link for details about how it went.

After the mission, there is a debrief with Chadwyke:

  • How’s everyone feeling? How did the mission go?
    • The party feels pretty good!
    • Bizzle shows off Lizzle.
    • Doodledip inquires unsuccessfully about being reimbursed for his lost grappling hook.
    • Toshmo says they secured a number of different samples without too much trouble.
  • Does anyone have any ideas about what to name the guild chapter?

Everyone is encouraged to visit the Leveling Up page and improve their PCs to 1 Advance.