Hindrances are character flaws, drawbacks, dark secrets, and physical handicaps drawn from your character’s backstory that occasionally make life a little tougher for them. Some Hindrances have actual game effects. Other, more subjective “roleplaying” Hindrances help you understand and roleplay your character. They should occasionally cause them to act in ways that aren’t necessarily smart, efficient, or in the best interests of the party or the overall goal. That’s what roleplaying games are all about, and the GM should reward you with Tokens when your Hindrances cause significant trouble.
- Select up to four points of Hindrances (Major Hindrances are worth 2, Minor are worth 1). A hero could thus take two Major Hindrances, four Minor, or any combination that adds up to 4 points. (You can take more Hindrances if you want but the maximum benefit you can earn from them is 4 points!)
- Taking Hindrances not only helps you define and roleplay your hero, but also gives you additional points you can use to start with additional Attribute or Skill points, Edges, or even money for Gear!
- For 2 Hindrance points you can raise an Attribute one die type, or choose an Edge.
- For 1 Hindrance point you can gain another Skill point, or gain additional starting Gear funds equal to twice your setting’s starting amount.
- You can hold onto these earned Hindrance points until later, don’t stress about spending them now - just mark them down so you don’t forget to spend them during the rest of this character creation process!
Summary of Hindrances
More Details
Some Additional Fantasy-Themed Options
(You can ask me for more details, or check the Fantasy Companion yourself, these are just the summaries.)