Session Two took place on July 14, 2024 in person and July 31, 2024 over Discord. Its story was set in the world of Toosehn after the events of Session One.
The following is a record of the events during Session Two.
Urrakka is recovering from a cold.
The One Hundred and One Throngdors had a few days off following Mission J:
- Drogath and Korarath are new to Lake Arcania, and move in together in the Guildhall’s Charriott Lodging dorms.
- They bunk their beds and cover every surface in corkboard. Drogath takes top bunk.
- They have a Weird Science mini fridge and microwave provided by Bizzle’s Fizzles and Grizzles.
- Drogath takes a selfie of himself and his new “sibling.”
- Bizzle already has an established residence in Lake Arcania: a bed in his lab.
- He has been working on setting up a cozy cage and feeding apparatus for Lizzle.
- Doodledip already has an established residence in Lake Arcania: he is an intentional urban nomad within the city.
- He spends the time fighting off creatures messing with his tent and gambling successfully.
- Toshmo already has an established residence in Lake Arcania, but chooses to move into Charriott Lodging as well.
- He moves out of his father Shontra Eshmagar’s household in Little Rokksher.
- He shares a Jack and Jill bathroom with Drogath and Korarath.
- They play games together.
The party visits Trader Jeorf’s and they pick up some equipment.
When it’s time for the One Hundred and One Throngdors to choose their second official mission for the Guild, they arrive at Chadwyke’s office.
Being more familiar and at ease than their first time getting a mission, the party takes in more details. They notice that his office is a bit cluttered, with books and forms stacked around. There is a portrait of his family.
The party chit chats about what they’ve been up to. Chadwyke, seemingly more relaxed and confident after having a successful first mission under the belt of the One Hundred and One Throngdors, lets his tone be more personable and less human resources focused.
Chadwyke offers those who have moved into Charriott Lodging more corkboard.
Drogath asks what his kids names are, and he replies Dobbin and Mulberry.
Doodledip mentions that he’s been winning at games of chance and claims “Things are going to go my way forever.”
Korarath asks “Can we meet the worm?” and appears to still be very interested in the F.E.C. after Mission J.
Chadwyke shares the available missions with the party:
Mission H is selected and completed! See the link for details about how it went.
After the mission, there is a debrief with Chadwyke:
- How’s everyone feeling? How did the mission go?
Everyone is encouraged to visit the Leveling Up page and improve their PCs to 2 Advances.