Centaurs have a four-legged lower body reminiscent of various ungulates and an upper body that highly resembles that of Humans. Most stand as tall as Humans, though larger lines exist. Most centaurs look like horses, donkeys, zebras, and deer, although more exotic species have also been reported such as pegasi, camels, giraffes, rhinos, moose, antelope, and rarest of all, whales.

Many Centaurs have found success within the edges of Integrated Society through agricultural pursuits, hunting, herding, and otherwise managing land. Still, this is not the extent of what Centaurs can offer: Hoof-Ground Grains turned into artisanal baked goods have placed one family of Centaurs on the map in Lake Arcania.

Centaurs are present in some Giftworlds, including:

SWADE Mechanics:

  • DEPENDENCY: Centaurs need to gallop beneath the open sky at least one hour out of every 24. They take a level of Fatigue each day if they can’t, and recover a level per hour spent out of doors once free to do so. This cannot lead to Incapacitation.
  • HOOVES: A centaur’s hooves do Str+d4 damage, and Edges that increase the centaur’s natural weapons, such as Martial Artist, apply to their kicks as well as other natural attacks.
  • SIZE +1: Average centaurs are Human-sized with the additional hindquarters of a horse. Their size adds +1 to their Toughness.
  • PACE +4: Centaurs are swift runners. They have a Pace Of 10 and a d10 running die.
  • UNUSUAL FORM: Centaurs cannot ride mounts or use certain types of armor, Gear, or other equipment that does not fit their form (GM’s call).
  • Optional Variant Ideas: Increase Size to +2 and take Brawny to represent centaurs descended from warhorses, Clydesdales, or the like. Offset with Ancestral Enemies, or a choice of warlike tendencies such as Stubborn or even a penalty to Smarts or the Clueless Hindrance if the culture emphasizes battle over education. Centaurs related to pegasi might have wings (Flight), offset by slower Pace on land (reduce Pace to 8 and a d8 running die). You can talk to me about homebrewing variant ideas if you’d like.